

来源: 作者:审核:发布时间:2022-11-10浏览次数:



詹元芳,女,湖北武汉人,人力资源管理专业,博士毕业于华中科技大学,导师为龙立荣教授。美国管理学会 (AOM)会员,中国管理国际学会 (IACMR)会员。论文发表于Journal of Organizational Behavior,Asia Pacific Journal of Management,Journal of Managerial Psychology,Current Psychology等SSCI期刊以及《管理评论》、《管理学报》等CSSCI期刊。


2017.09 至 2022.03   华中科技大学管理学院          博士

2016.09 至 2017.06   华中科技大学管理学院          硕士(硕博连读)




精通Mplus, SPSS, HLM数据分析

学术实践:担任Current Psychology、Chinese Management Studies等知名SSCI




(1)Zhan, Yuan-Fang., Long, Li-Rong*., Zhou, Kong., & Wang, Hai-Jiang. Feeling Obliged or Happy to be a Good Soldier? Employee Cognitive and Affective Reactions to Receiving Reactive and Proactive Help. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 2023, 40: 37-57.

(2)Watkins, T., Yam, K., Lee, S., Zhan, Yuan-Fang., & Long, L. Leadership after dark: The consequences of helping followers after the workday. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 2022, 43(6), 1038-1062.

(3)Ouyang, X., Zhou, K., Zhan, Yuan-Fang*(corresponding author)., & Yin, W. A dynamic process of different helping behavior: From the extended self-theory perspective. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 2022,37(1): 15-28.

(4)Zhan, Yuan-Fang., Zhou, J., Cheng, H., & Mu, R. (2021). Feeling gratitude and depletion: The ambivalent consequences of receiving help in the workplace. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(4), 1-15.

(5)Cheng, H., Zheng, W., & Zhan, Yuan-Fang*(corresponding author) (2023). I have received more help than others! A social comparison perspective on receiving help. Current Psychology, 42, 2350-2361.

(6)Zhou, Jinfan., Zhan, Yuanfang., Cheng, Huan., & Zhang, Guanglei*. Challenge or Threat? Exploring the Dual Effects of Temporal Social Comparison on Employee Workplace Coping Behaviors. Current Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-022-02999-y

(7)詹元芳,龙立荣*,周家尧,望家晴。资源获得还是损失?情感性与工具性受助的积极与消极影响的双路径机制。管理评论,2023,35(04): 215-224(国家自然科学基金委员会认定的A类期刊)

(8)詹元芳,望家晴,龙立荣,黄世英子。一个好汉三个帮:基于自我评价的员工受助与工作绩效机制研究。 珞珈管理评论,2023(02): 19-34.

(9)Wenyuan Jin, Jialing Miao, Yuanfang Zhan*(corresponding author. Be Called and Be Healthier: How Does Calling Influence Employees’ Anxiety and Depression in the Workplace? International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, 2022, 1-15.

(10)詹元芳,龙立荣,刘文兴,董毓格,周空。组 究。 管理学报,2023,20(07):947-957。


(12)Lu Zhang, Renyan Mu, Yuanfang Zhan, Jiahong Yu, Liyi Liu, Yongsheng Yu, Jixin Zhang. Digital economy, energy efficiency, and carbon emissions: Evidence from provincial panel data in China. Science of The Total Environment. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.158403


(1)Zhan, Yuan-Fang., Long, L., Li, Y., & Zhou, J. (2020). Am I obliged to pay it forward? A moderated mediation model of employee reactions to received help. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2020(1), 13704. Presentation at the 80th Annual Conference of the Academy of Management, USA. (AOM, 美国管理学年会会议论文)

(2)Zhan, Yuan-Fang. (2023). The More, the Better? How and When Perceived Relative Help Influenced Employees’ Job Performance. Accepted by the 83th Annual Conference of the Academy of Management.(AOM, 美国管理学年会会议论文)

(3)Zhan, Yuan-Fang., He, Wei., Long, Li-Rong., & Li, Shao-Long. (2018). Feeling gratitude and depleted: The ambivalent consequences of receiving help in the workplace. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2018(1), 16018. Presentation at the 78th Annual Conference of the Academy of Management, USA.(AOM, 美国管理学年会会议论文)

(4) Zhan, Yuan-Fang Xia, Ying,Long, Lirong,Hu, Xing. (2021). Will Receiving Help Always Harm Your Self-Esteem? A Symbolic Interaction Theory Perspective. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2021. (AOM, 美国管理学年会会议论文)

(5)Cheng H, Zheng W L, Zhan, Yuan-Fang. (2022). I Have Received More Help Than Others! A Social Comparison Perspective on Receiving Help. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2022. AOM, 美国管理学年会会议论文)

(6)Yuanfang Zhan, Lirong Long, Xiao Yuan, & Yuge Dong. (2023). The More, the Better? How and When Perceived Relative Help Influenced Employees’ Job Performance. International Association for Chinese Management Research(IACMR). (中国管理国际学会会议论文)

(7)Yuanfang Zhan, Jiexin Wang, Sal Mistry, & Wu Wei. Challenging the Status Quo is More Depleting than Helping Others: The Moderating Role of Job Demand. International Association for Chinese Management Research(IACMR), 2021. Xian, China. (中国管理国际学会会议论文)

(8)Zhou, Jin-Fan., & Zhan, Yuan-Fang. Challenge or Threat? Exploring the Dual Effects of Temporal Social Comparison on Employee Workplace Coping Behaviors. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2021.(AOM, 美国管理学年会会议论文)


(10)望家晴,詹元芳,龙立荣,冯艳娇。工具性与情感性受助的差异化效果: 基于认知和情感信任感知的双路径视角。2022年第十届中国人力资源管理论坛会议论文。

(11)詹元芳,龙立荣,周金帆,李梓一。受助者视角的帮助行为:后果、影响因素与作用机制。中国人力资源开发,2020 年度学术会议.


(1) “上行下效还是见贤思齐?团队间互助的形成机制与边界条件(2024-2026)”. 主持. 国家自然科学基金青年项目(72302096)

2 “组织情境下员工接受帮助的双刃剑效应研究(2023-2024)”. 主持. 中 央 高 校 基 本 科 研 业 务 费 资 助 项 目(CCNU23XJ046)

2“知恩图报还是恩将仇报?帮助者和受助者互动视角的帮助行为研究(2018-2021)”.参与. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(71772072)

3 “遵从规范还是真情流露?组织情境下领导情绪表达策略研究(2018-2021)”. 参与. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(71772073)

4) “基于价值共创共享的平台型企业的组织行为研究:组织协同力视角(2022-2026)”. 参与. 国家自然科学基金重点项目(72132001)





